Bruises: Natural Remedies

Bruises: natural remedies

Bruises, natural remedies for rapid resorption. Unjustified bruises without apparent cause. How much does a bruise last and tips useful to remove it or cover it.

Following a crash, a pinch or a fall, all of us have had to deal with bruises. There are some factors that may increase the likelihood of hematoma appearances. If you notice unjustified bruises, you should consider these factors.

Nutritional deficiency

The resistance of our blood vessels is strongly conditioned by food. Foods rich in bioflavonoids are excellent allies and it’s always worth paying close attention to calcium deficiencies.


As we get older, blood vessels weaken and our skin loses elasticity. Every bump can have more tangible consequences and it becomes easier to have bruises.

Medical conditions

There are some medical conditions like hemophilia and leukemia which can cause unjustified bruising. These diseases cause blood not clot normally, thus making an individual very susceptible to bruising.


Some drugs – even those as innocent as aspirin – can make us more prone to bruising. This also goes for certain supplements such as ginko biloba as well as oral contraceptives. When a drug reduces blood clotting ability, it is easier to be prone to bruising.

Exposure to the sun

The sun damages the skin that, as it weakens, it loses its natural ability to protect the underlying dermis. As a result of sunburn, our skin becomes more sensitive to bruises.

How Long Does a Bruise Last?

How long does it take for a bruise to be reabsorbed? Reabsorption times vary considerably depending on the intensity of the damage and the response of your body.

On average, it takes about two weeks before a bruise can be completely reabsorbed. Five days after the appearance of the bluish-black bruise, the hematoma begins to change color, usually green or yellow. After 10 days it will begin to gradually disappear, becoming light brown first and then eventually dissolve.

How To Cover Up a Bruise With Makeup

Not everyone can wait two weeks for the complete healing of a bruise. Those who are in a hurry can use make up, which is a great ally to hide and cover bruises and skin marks. What should be used? Concealer, foundation and, if necessary (if the bruise is on the face) a bit of powder.

Bruises, Natural Remedies

In this paragraph I will mention a few natural remedies for the fast reabsorption of bruises.

Calendula oil

Calendula oil is an excellent remedy for the treatment of bruises. It will suffice to prepare a compress and leave it for a few hours, even better if you prepare it with red clay. For all information regarding the application of the oil, where to buy it and its use in homeopathy, I suggest you check out this page (in Italian): Calendula oil. Is it effective? Yes; in fact, you should know that many of the ointments used to remove bruises are made primarily of calendula.

Red clay

Red clay wraps tone the skin, help repair damaged skin and help heal broken capillaries. They are useful to increase bruise reabsorption.

Ideally, you could prepare a compress from two tablespoons of red (fine) clay and calendula oil. Add as much oil as you can to make a paste. Apply it onto the hematoma and leave it in place to speed up its absorption.

Red clay for cosmetic use can be found in well-equipped boutiques specialized in natural remedies, or online shopping. A great red clay, also available on the web, is the ultra-ventilated or the super-fine one. On Amazon, a 200 gram ultra-ventilated Red Clay is offered at a price of 10.95 euros with free shipping.

Amazon Link: Ultra-ventilated Red Clay


This is the most effective remedy but only if the ice is applied right after the bump happens, while the skin is still in pain and the bruise hasn’t formed yet.

Epsom salts

A relaxing bath with epsom salts will help you relax your muscles and to reabsorb every bruise. For further information on the topic, check this page: epsom salts.